Sunday, November 16, 2008

Washington 2.0: From Franklin's Fireside to Barack's YouTube

It has been a busy week of developments in Washington 2.0. As more discussions on the Transparent Presidency emerge on the blogosphere and in the mainstream media, a lot of attention is being paid to how President-Elect Obama will bring about the New New Deal. One way he has already trailblazed is by delivering his weekly address to the nation via his YouTube Channel. And this is before he has even taken the oath of office. Yes, we only have one President at a time, but that does not mean we cannot hear the evolving thoughts and plans of the soon to be Commander in Chief. This reassures citizens that the President-Elect has his eye on the ball day-to-day and week-to-week. 

Sure, the idea of sitting down at the end of the day to cozy up to your laptop, warmed by the glow of an LED screen, to listen to the voice of your Commander in Chief may seem a bit of a stretch. But what the Golden Age of Radio did for FDR, the Web 2.0 age of the Internet can do for Obama. What is even more powerful about this model of citizen communication, is that we have the ability to listen on demand. So your office network blocks YouTube, simply download the podcast via iTunes and watch it on your way into work on the metro the next morning. Or better yet, log on to to watch the address or read the transcript. And of course, you could always hear it on the radio, for all those talk-radio traditionalists, like me. Till next time. I am off to watch the address again.   

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