Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Going clamming?

Okay ladies, I know it's a fad, and it's a trend, but really, what is with all the Wellington boots?

Sure it is raining somewhat this morning, but we are not being flooded. Maybe you're going clamming on the way to work?

Unless you're Soledad O'Brien standing in knee high water in Battery Park because of a gloom and doom hurricane, I think the Wellies are a bit much.

I'm just saying.

- Posted from an iPhone

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week on the West Coast

Well, it's hard to believe a week on the west coast has come and gone. It was busy but beneficial. Now, I'm heading home.

- Posted from an iPhone

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Westbound for a Week

Well, this week I'm heading out west. Mostly work, but not without at least one splash in the pool - so some play. How does that song go..."we'll be hanging from the edge of the Hollywood sign, tonight...tonight!" Well not quite, but a change of scenery and pace will do any man some good.

It will be good to be on the other coast for a while. Seems like DC is getting more tense and more toxic as we prepare to say goodbye to summer. Maybe it is the ever increasing spin cycle that fills our morning commutes and evening news with talk of debates and tea bags, I mean tea parties. Tea party, what used to conjure up images of little kids playing or an episode of expression in leaves me exhausted. I wonder if my political barometer is sensing a change in the pressure.

Who knows? What I do know is I am not quite ready to talk of primaries and run offs and real clear politics. I'm not sure where the summer went, but I think we could all use a few more weekends at the beach or by the pool.

Maybe a few more late night strolls through the FDR looking out on all that reflects upon us in a tidal basin of fears. There is a King in our midst now. Maybe he will reminds us to let the ripples ride when a leaf of progress falls to the water. If only.

Till next time. Signing off from UAL flight 470, somewhere over the Midwest.

- Posted from an iPhone

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Four Days Away, Keeps the Stressors at Bay

Get smart, get out of town. Politics and pandering were getting to be a little too much last week. So, I left town. I must have had a great escape, because I can't find my keys, or my badge, and my feet feel foreign in these shoes.

- Posted from an iPhone

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I don't want to be serenaded on the metro

Dude with the guitar trying to sing a blues version of Beautiful Nightmare...get off my train!

I'm just trying to get to the baseball game and I dont want to hear this. I've had a long annoying day at work, I need a beer, and I'm not in the mood for a existential take on an already annoying Beyonce tune.

If this is some sort of therapy for you, then go to New York City, where they have performers on the trains.

You are no John Legend or Babyface. Hate to break
It to you. So, don't quit your day job.

LivingSocial Gripe

The thing I hate about LivingSocial in this area is that everything that comes across my inbox seems to favor Northern Virginia. I live in DC, so why would I save on a deal to then pay more gas to get out to the burbs?! Is it really that hard to restrict settings to show me nothing but the district? Maybe if I can find a deal I can walk to, I'll start buying. Until then it's select and delete.

- Posted from an iPhone

Monday, July 25, 2011

Circulator is not a phone booth on wheels

Okay, I love the Circulator, but I'm starting to grow increasingly annoyed with the amount of passengers who immediately get on the phone and yap away.

Why is it that on city buses people give dirty looks to those parrots that talk away loudly on their cell phones? Yet here on the Circulator, no one speaks up, they just sigh and look away.

I have told people before, and I'll do it again..."We don't want to hear your conversation." Ugh.

- Posted from an iPhone

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heat - Enough!

It's hot!

- Posted from an iPhone

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gotta Love DC Capital Bikeshare

Took a beautiful 5AM bike ride from Crystal City to Dupont this morning. Watching the sunrise over the monuments and Potomac took me back for a few minutes. Reminded me why I love Washington.

I think I'm going to start tweeting my favorite Bikeshare tips and routes. You can follow at

-Posted from an iPhone

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Clear the road" - Are you kidding me

This one goes out to all those weekend road race warriors who think that because they put on a neon splattered, logo obnoxious, spandex stretching tube sock of an outfit, they instantly transform into some Lance Armstrong-like pedal pushing persona.

I hate to be the one to let the air out of your tires, but you are not some Peter Parker of the pedaling world. You are a key clicking bureaucrat by day, bread winner by night, and probably a dreamer too. I mean who doesn't dream of racing out of this town every so often?

No, you are not sponsored by GEICO, or the US Postal System, or even State Farm. I mean if you pay as much as you do for a tube sock of an outfit that only accentuates your flaws, you might as well try and pick a slightly cooler brand to practically tattoo on your body.

So to the gentleman in the State Farm spandex who has the audacity to yell "Clear the road" while I was running on the path in Rock Creek, I say this.

Remember that even the fastest of Roman chariots were disabled with a quick spear in the wheel trick. Last I checked your silly road bike still belongs on the road! Hence the name. You are also supposed to obey the laws of the road since DC considers you a vehicle.

So next time you come up behind me and tell me to clear the road I'm going to grab a stick and test out your spokes. Ever wanted to take flying lessons? I can arrange that. Just try me. And when I see you wipe out when your trying to avoid hitting me or the fellow runners on the path, I'm going to laugh and sing very loudly..."like a good neighbor State Farm is there." Where is your fairy godfather insurance agent when you've done a face plant into a tree? How you like dem apples?!

My next blog is going be be entirely dedicated to one of your favorite functional accessories. Those darn clippy shoes. I have come to despise them so they get a standalone entry. Till next time, live strong or whatever that Lance Armstrong band on your wrist says. And no that doesn't make you any more of a biker so lose the trend.

- Posted from an iPhone

Monday, June 27, 2011

"The thing about DC is..."

These are five words I hate hearing yelled in a crowded bar in DC's wannabe hipster scene. I think there is no faster way to show your ignorance and laziness of all things cultural in the Capital.

Just because you moved here straight out of college and you've barely been here a year, this does not an expert make.

So, to all you little yuppies in the making, spare us your shallow assessments of DC and next time you are talking to that newly minted DC resident, tell them to ask those "Why" questions to someone whose been here at least 5 years.

- Posted from an iPhone

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

97 Degrees Today!

Seriously! I may find a way to stay inside all day. I'm even going to skip coffee.

- Posted from an iPhone

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Is it too much to ask...

To get to the movie on time? Seriously DC! What are you too good for previews?

No, that's seat is not taken so just sit down and let us watch the movie! Oh, and while you're at it try deflating your self importance a bit and return to a standard societal norm - getting to the movie on time!

- Posted from an iPhone

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

98 Degrees on Eve of June

What is it about Washington that makes the late afternoons so much more unbearable than the midday heat?

The other day I went to a Nats game with friends. Game started at 1:05PM. Don't get me wrong, it was hot sitting in those sun-crisped stadium seats. In fact that Washington patriotic blue color acts like a magnet to heat from the sun rays. I nearly fried my thighs twice when sitting down.

So yeah, I baked for about 7 innings, then got tired of listening to crude Phillies fans. Decided, rather foolishly, to walk home. By the time I reached USDA I caved and grabbed a Bike at the Capital Bikeshare station. What a great edition to the city. I whisked home - a little warm, but for the better.

Still it felt like Hades was breathing on me when I stepped outside again at 5pm.

Welcome simmer, welcome summer.

- Posted from an iPhone

Monday, May 23, 2011

The In & Out of Shake Shack

So what's DC's latest craze? The Shake Shack of course! Ever since this place opened last week there have been lines down the block.

I'm confused. Has DC never seen a burger place before? I mean we have Five Guys, BGR, Ray's Hellburger, Z Burger and we had Rogue States. So tell me, did you think there was a shortage of Burger options in town?

Of course as DC goes burger crazy, like on the level of cupcakes and frozen yoghurt, I have to wonder why we can't graduate beyond the latest food fads in this town.

Then of course there was the food review which stated Shake Shack was better than Five Guys and In & Out! I tried it and I am not sure it is able to beat In & Out. It definitely trumps Five Guys and Z Burger though.

It was worth the Peanut Butter shake though.

- Posted from an iPhone

Friday, April 8, 2011

Countdown Clock to Shutdown

This says it all...

- Posted from an iPhone

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Don't Chop Down My Cherry (Blossom) Tree!

The government shutdown showdown looms just over the horizon. Several high school bands are already on their way to DC for the big parade. But all than planning, rehearsing and driving might be wasted. Rumors say that the parade and festival around the Cherry Blossoms could be cancelled if the government shuts down. Poor kids. Poor tourists. I hope this weekend is at least nice weather.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kennedy Center's Virtual Waiting Room?!

Epic fail on the part of DC's art scene. I just want to take my Goddaughter to go see Wicked in June at the Kennedy Center.

Last time the show sold out in minutes. This time I do all the right things - even set a reminder to go online when they first become available. So much for "by the book!"

This is what I get when I visit the Kennedy Center site:

Virtual Waiting Room! Are you kidding me?! Over 1500 people in line! It really is true - nice guys...rule abiding guys finish last!

This is why DC frustrates me - they try to capture the arts by bringing a little NY or LA to town, but they can't handle it. Even the web servers weren't up to the role. Get the hook DC!

Even the Post is already reporting this fiasco:

Elphaba would be very displeased. I really don't want to have to pay ridiculous prices to see this show. I have a feeling I have no choice. No thanks to the Kennedy Center!

"No one mourns the wicked."

- Posted from an iPhone while watching my computer count down.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Washington is Frustrated

Washington and federal workers speak out using social media. OPM is wishing they put advertising on their status page. They might be able to makes cents per click and lessen the government debt. :-)

These comments are worth reading.

P.S. I'm so glad I could walk home.

- Posted from an iPhone

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Don't Run For Trains

This entry is going to be pretty brief.

It's a simple rule of safety and etiquette - I do not run for trains. There will be another one right behind it. I'm not willing to put my life in danger or be that guy who breaks the door and forces the unloading of a rush hour train! Like I said I'm not willing to put my life in danger.

So now with that - I can't help but laugh at those who do run for them. It is like the best of bureaucratic olympics when they strain their facial expressions and sprint for it. Too funny, way too unsafe. Just leave earlier.

- Posted from an iPhone

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Telework-1, Ice Storm-0

Well, DC's first major weather delay in 2011 has come and gone with an overnight ice storm and a thawing out by this afternoon.

While my commute was a little more challenging, skating to the bus stop, I feel like the Federal workforce response was well executed and appropriate. Yes folks, today is the first day in my history where I truly feel Telework won.

Maybe it was the treacherous ice or maybe that memo from the President is finally being considered, all I know is today was noticeably different. Less commotion in the office, less people in the coffee line, a light evening commute into Clarendon. Could this happen again if we get a second round of snowmageddon in February? After what I saw today - I believe there may be a shift taking place. Are managers trusting their staff to get work done even if they can't see them? I hope so. I know we are a long way from implementing ROWE, but a guy can dream, right?

- Posted from an iPhone