Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Don't Run For Trains

This entry is going to be pretty brief.

It's a simple rule of safety and etiquette - I do not run for trains. There will be another one right behind it. I'm not willing to put my life in danger or be that guy who breaks the door and forces the unloading of a rush hour train! Like I said I'm not willing to put my life in danger.

So now with that - I can't help but laugh at those who do run for them. It is like the best of bureaucratic olympics when they strain their facial expressions and sprint for it. Too funny, way too unsafe. Just leave earlier.

- Posted from an iPhone


Anonymous said...

This is a valid point only at rush hour. At 1030 pm on a Tuesday, I totally disagree.

Karl said...

I never understand why people run for trains when there is a train right behind that one. I agree it is not worth my safety to run for a train.