Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Buckle Up on the Bus?

I just heard the following automated announcement on the bus I am riding: "Buckle up. The belt around you can save your life." Huh? The belt around me? Like a fool who hasn't had their coffee yet, of course I go looking to find the seat belt on the bus. Wait, buses don't have seat belts. Never have - right?

Is this a sign of things to come? Now, we will be strapping ourselves in on our local bus. Or is this just another reminder to buckle up when we are in our cars?


Anonymous said...

Well i think they should cause they way some of those bus drivers are! Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Well they should cause the drivers are crazy!

Free Poker Capital said...

Airbags needed :lol

We in Poland have also crazy bus drivers, but we have VERY POOR highway :(