Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Suddenly You Are a Bus Rider?

We all know it is hot in DC. I mean really hot. Today when I was trying to get home, I noticed that every bus stop had at least 20 people waiting for a bus. I don't mean those commuter buses, I mean the city buses that go up Conn. Ave and Mass. Ave.

It just annoyed me that suddenly we had a surge of Bus Riders in DC. How do I know these weren't the usual commuters with me? Because they were all paying with cash and coin on the bus. It was insane. Person after person piled into these mobile air conditioned methods of transport as they tried to get home.

It doesn't help that the metro trains have no AC either. I see people getting ready to pass out as the train approaches the platform and the famous Express or Examiner being used to fan themselves. This is sign number one the metro is suffering big time this summer. The other sign is the masses of people piling on buses - suddenly and surely to get a little AC and try and get a little closer to home before they have to walk in the swamp of soupy humidity.

Can we get a break? Or a few like the amount to equal the broken escalators on this crippled capital metro? Stay cool out there.

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