Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Okay - so while out at a great happy hour in PC where you can buy rounds of margaritas and meals for 9 people under 40 bucks I heard a new 'geryuppy term: Arlandria. Apparently this is a part of that over saturated area between Arlington & Alexandria.

Seriously?! When did Virginia - I correct myself - Northern Virginia - become SO hip and overexposed that it felt it earned the right to blend community names? Who do these people think they are? Valley girls from SoCal? I mean it is one step worse than Van Oaks (Sherman Oaks + Van Nuys).

Grow up NoVa!

- Posted from an iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The name "Arlandria" was coined in the 1940s or 50s. There was a shopping center that adopted the name and displayed is in huge neon letter across the roof of the center. The sign was removed during renovation about 10 years ago, but the name has stuck. It refers to an area that was part of Arlington County but annexed to Alexandria in the post war years.


There were numerous examples of this type of coinage that appeared around that time. "Bradlee" is the name of a shopping center located where Route 7 (King Stree/Lee Highway) and Braddock Road intersect. Fairlington, Shirlington, Parkington were similarly formed names of shopping and residential areas in Arlington.