D.C. is a town built on rumors. Political playing fields peppered with hungry egos makes fertile ground for rumors. I recently read a review of those books that make up the series "Overheard in New York." The concept that you publish the scandalous things you overhear on the street or in the subway cars, DC is prime real estate for this. I don't get too excited or agitated by the rumors that buzz with the day to day politics of D.C., but every once and a while there is a really interesting one. You know the ones about the baseball stadium or the metro fare hikes or even the HOV lanes. Well, the latest I heard is that they are going to remove The Drowning Man from Hains Point. I haven't been over there in a while, but maybe I should go pay my last respects, just in case the rumor is true. Random movie trivia to close out the posting. What movie has an opening seen that shows a politician committing suicide near The Drowning Man sculpture?
Update: Clearly, I am a little behind the times with my rumor mill. Thanks to Sarah for posting a comment to let me know the following from the WashingtonPost:
"The Awakening" sculpture, which had been part of the
Hains Point landscape since 1980, was bought this spring and will become part of the waterfront development as well.
Does this mean I can go visit him down in the waterfront?
The Awakening has been sold. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/28/AR2007072801231.html
Fifth item down on that page.
It does indeed appear that you will be able to visit the sculpture in its new location - in PG county, not really public transportation accessible, in the middle of a shopping mall/meeting space waterfront complex.
I feel sorry for him, because I think he will miss Hains Point.
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