I hate change. No, not that kind of change. I mean the change that you accumulate with every purchase of a coffee or a soda. First you break the 20, then you break the 10 and then you spend a five and all you have left is a pocket full of change. I hate walking around making that jingling sound, exhibiting a treble beat with every step. My keys are enough to make a metallic beat with every walk, but adding change just makes my walk obnoxious. So, as a result, I don't carry change. Instead, it just piles up on my desk or by my beside table until I get enough courage to take it to one of those change counting machines. Ergo, I am a big fan of my checkcard, compliments of the company that brought you the phrase, "Priceless. For everything else, there's MasterCard."
That being said, I hate when people stop and ask me for change - mainly because I never carry it with me. Believe me, when I have it on me, any chance I am given to rid of it, I will gladly turn it over. So, please don't take it personally, when I say I don't have any change. And to the homeless man I lost my cool in front of tonight, I apologize. I know you may never read this, but you caught me at the end of a long day. I was just set off by you asking me for change and then pitching a fit and giving me attitude when I said I don't carry change. You called me a liar and other words I dare not type, and that was not fair. Dare I ask why the homeless in this town have such an attitude?
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