It had been a few years since my last trip and this time I really wanted to "get a feel for the city." Among my many questions, I asked the locals, "What time do New Yorkers start their work day? - or - What time of morning is socially acceptable to arrive at the office on any given work day?" I was surprised at the answer - on average between 9:00 am and 10:00 am. Note, I did not conduct a comprehensive study on this, I just asked a few New Yorkers I met, so I am aware it is probably not representative of all of NYC.
Being from D.C. I sometimes feel as if I am in constant competition with NYC. Who has the better museums, who has the higher rents and bar tabs, who is truly the international city in the United States? I think the root of many of my questions, including the one about our wake up calls, was comparative and competitive in nature. I am very proud of my city and I love hearing when New Yorkers come to visit and fall in love with the cleanliness and the carpeted metro and the reflection of the monument on bodies of water. So when I went to NYC this time, I already had a checklist in my head - what makes us different from NYC and them from us. One thing I noticed - NYC sleeps in more!
Let me clarify my statement a little. We all know the famous attribute of New York-the city that never sleeps. Having spent three almost anthropological observation days there, I took note - this is in fact a misnomer. New York does sleep, just not all at once. New York is a city of two shifts - the day and the night. The city suffers rush hour times two - or so it seems. There is a change of shift from day to night and then dusk to dawn. I learned that the NYC Subway is open 24 hours a day! That takes a lot of very hard working people and a at least two shift changes that happen everyday.

But, I digress. My original reason for this post was to highlight my belief that D.C. residents are not allowing themselves the luxury of sleeping in these days. Since my return from NYC I have been watching closely the patterns of population commuting and riding the metro at the earlier hours. There seems to be a growing trend of people getting up earlier to "beat the rush." Unfortunately, it is creating what I like to call "the early rush hour." (See similar topic in article from USA Today about Atlanta commuters).

The other day, I got up early and was standing on the platform at 5:35 am - Red Line. I was shocked to find at least 35 other people on the platform with me. Yes, I actually counted. And what is even more disturbing is the fact that none of them seemed phased to be up this early. They weren't yawning or hiding their coffee from the views of the metro cameras. Simply standing there waiting for the train. That takes training - so they have been at this a while?
Then, when the train came, I was even more shocked at the fact that there were only three seats available in the whole car at that hour. Let me remind you it was 5:40 in the morning at this point. I looked around at the passengers as if I was able to read there faces to tell me where they began their commute. Many of them looked as if they began in the beginning - Shady Grove. I didn't even want to do the math in my head - what time they must have gotten up to get here this early. The thought hurt my eyes, that pain behind the eyeball.
I think it has really ruined what used to be my favorite part of the day - that early morning in DC. When no one else was up and I could smoothly glide on the rails, head against the train window listening to my iPod play melodies by Juliet Simms. PARKER!
So, here is my plea to my fellow Washingtonians - please go back to sleep. Hit that snooze button one more time and allow us early birds to resume our peaceful commute the way it used to be, before you all caught on to our pre-sunrise secret.
Because I am a resident of Washington, DC (one who loves NYC more than anywhere else in the world)-I wont comment on the comparison thing. I try and enjoy life here as best I can. Nuff said.
But this place is a work junkie's paradise. And you are right-that Walden-pond like early morning Metro solace has gone the way of affordable housing... Sigh.
I graduated from Towson University last May and live in Timonium. About a month ago, I started a job in Bethesda. Until I can move to the area in June, I'm waking up at a quarter to 5 so I can be on the road and (hopefully) beat the bulk of rush hour traffic.
Some days I get to leave work around 3:30pm. Some days I even get to jump right on the road and head home. Most days, I drive over to Grosvenor and take the train into DC to look for apartments (seriously: know any good apartments in Cleveland Parks that allow cats?), hang out with friends, or work the part-time job I got downtown to help afford living in the area.
5:45? Not impressive. I've already been up for an hour, and if I'm lucky, I'm already on I-95 south.
I can't wait until July, when I'm living in DC, and I can wake up at 6:30am and feel like I'm sleeping in.
Aaaaaah ...
@malnurtured - Good luck on your move, there should be plenty of apts in Cleveland Park/Woodley Park area that allow pets. Pretty soon, you will be able to blog yourself about the joys of the red line.
Oh my DC! Sometimes it is such a PAIN!
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