Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Just How Many Elevators are Out of Service in this Town?

I know you have noticed it too. You are standing on the metro platform waiting patiently for your train when that voice comes booming over the speakers. Unfortunately, the speakers are so poor that you can't hear much beyond the first seven words - "May I have your attention please..."

You watch as the tourists quickly halt their conversations to pay close attention as if it was a warning before the storm. Instead, they are left squinting at each other as the announcement proceeds, "elevator at the Shady Grove station is out of service...elevator at the Rosslyn station is out of service...elevator at the East Falls Church station is out of service...*crackle, crackle*...shuttle service is provided upon request at the previous station."

I watch as the tourist stop squinting at each other, still straining to understand the announcement they just heard and how it affects their planned vacation. Then, like clockwork they look to the locals, like me and say, "What did they just say? Was that important? Is something wrong with the trains?" I smile and assure them that nothing is wrong...other than the fact that half of the system's elevators and escalators are out of service." Of course, I look around to see if there is in fact anyone that might need elevator assistance, but strangely enough, I never see anyone. I often wonder about that. Perhaps those that use wheelchairs gave up on the metro a long time ago?

So, with the all clear I proceed to vent my feelings on our metro system's deficiencies to these innocent tourists. Many of them just look beguiled and smile and walk away. Still it makes me feel better to get it off my chest.

Here is an idea...how about you just list the elevators that DO work on those electronic boards rather that the ones that don't. Then, perhaps you might have some time and sign real estate to provide us riders with the ETA of our trains. I am pretty sure the list of functioning elevators would be about 4 stations long, so this would be easier to comprehend. I mean seriously it reminds me when I am sitting on the plane about to land in Dallas and they are announcing all the connecting flights to friggin everywhere. "American Airlines flight 1123 to Portland, gate A56, AA Flight 453 to Denver, gate D22...and on and on and on. I am tired of it already. Start fixing something with all that money we are paying in extra fare hikes! That is all.

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