Wednesday, June 1, 2011

98 Degrees on Eve of June

What is it about Washington that makes the late afternoons so much more unbearable than the midday heat?

The other day I went to a Nats game with friends. Game started at 1:05PM. Don't get me wrong, it was hot sitting in those sun-crisped stadium seats. In fact that Washington patriotic blue color acts like a magnet to heat from the sun rays. I nearly fried my thighs twice when sitting down.

So yeah, I baked for about 7 innings, then got tired of listening to crude Phillies fans. Decided, rather foolishly, to walk home. By the time I reached USDA I caved and grabbed a Bike at the Capital Bikeshare station. What a great edition to the city. I whisked home - a little warm, but for the better.

Still it felt like Hades was breathing on me when I stepped outside again at 5pm.

Welcome simmer, welcome summer.

- Posted from an iPhone

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