Yesterday afternoon, as I was curled up on the couch watching Gods and Generals, I was hoping that I would look out the window to see the snow start around 2PM, as promised by the weathermen. Nope. 2:00, 3:00...6:00 PM - nothing but sprinkles. I was worse than a kid waiting for my school to close.
So, I decided to get my mind off it and went to the gym. I guess my run around the track could be considered the snow dance. I even thought of finding an old Christmas tune - Let It Snow. Silly, I know. By the time I left the gym, we had flakes. Not big flakes, but flakes all the same. So, I made some dinner, curled up with my new Kindle 2.0 and eventually dozed off. I woke up around 4:30 AM hoping to find the city blanketed with snow. No such luck. DC got about 4 inches. I huffed and puffed and got dressed to head into work. Of course I checked my OPM alerts first:
Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area are OPEN under a DELAYED ARRIVAL/UNSCHEDULED LEAVE policy. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would normally arrive, and employees who cannot report for work may take unscheduled leave.
Yep, that means business as usual. As I walked to the metro, I wondered how WMATA was going to handle the snow. Sure enough, trains on time. Job well done Metro. Glad to know you have so much enthusiasm for the storm: "As the region welcomes its first major winter storm of the new year, Metro is prepared and ready to go."
Of course when I emerged from underground in Arlington, the view was a lot different. They had several inches here and the winds were whipping. I hardly saw any cars and there was very little sign of life at 6:20 in the morning.
So, now as I stare out this window, it is only getting worse. 395 has about 6 cars on it. The roads are not getting plowed. What is the point when this snow won't stop till after 12 noon? And yes, it is snowing sideways. Reconsidering that liberal leave?
Maybe it is time for OPM to update its recommendation for 2-hour delay and Liberal Leave to "CLOSED." After all, I could use the day off.
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