Taken from the Auto Bailout Amendment to the Economic Emergency Stabilization Act.
This is going to be a short post. Can anyone tell me the definition of "timely and aggressive production?" Not to mention the letter that Congress wrote to the CEOs of the three auto companies making them "promise." Promises? Really? Where is the accountability in that? What is the fallout of breaking a promise? Last I checked it wasn't something that people, not to mention CEOs took very seriously. For all we know these three CEOs break promises everyday. Although we didn't hear it in yesterday's testimony, perhaps they promised someone they would give up a jet or two. Whoever is working as their public image consultant is probably out of job by now. Maybe they can jump on board this big bailout package too? I bet we would know the definition of timely and aggressive if it called for the compensation check disbursement of these CEOs pay. We demand more specifics. I want to know just how long it will take and how quickly we will see the energy efficient cars. I doubt we will get the answer anytime before these guys see their money.
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