Well, this week I'm heading out west. Mostly work, but not without at least one splash in the pool - so some play. How does that song go..."we'll be hanging from the edge of the Hollywood sign, tonight...tonight!" Well not quite, but a change of scenery and pace will do any man some good.
It will be good to be on the other coast for a while. Seems like DC is getting more tense and more toxic as we prepare to say goodbye to summer. Maybe it is the ever increasing spin cycle that fills our morning commutes and evening news with talk of debates and tea bags, I mean tea parties. Tea party, what used to conjure up images of little kids playing or an episode of expression in history...now leaves me exhausted. I wonder if my political barometer is sensing a change in the pressure.
Who knows? What I do know is I am not quite ready to talk of primaries and run offs and real clear politics. I'm not sure where the summer went, but I think we could all use a few more weekends at the beach or by the pool.
Maybe a few more late night strolls through the FDR looking out on all that reflects upon us in a tidal basin of fears. There is a King in our midst now. Maybe he will reminds us to let the ripples ride when a leaf of progress falls to the water. If only.
Till next time. Signing off from UAL flight 470, somewhere over the Midwest.

- Posted from an iPhone