Friday, May 9, 2008

Liberté, égalité, velocity?

Image of map of Washington DC with Red Light Cameras indicated in red dotsRecently, while listening to one of my favorite podcasts - American Public Media's Marketplace, I overheard a story about how French citizens are revolting against speed cameras in Paris. It appears the Armed Revolutionary Nationalist Faction (F'NAR) has decided to launch a revolution against Big Brother. This made me think about the ongoing discussion we in DC have about our red light cameras. We think we have it bad with an occasional flash bulb going off as we inch across that intersection. At least we are provided a map with all their locations. Did you know that you can go online and find out where they all are located? How nice of Mayor Fenty to share this with us so we know where not to block the box.

Apparently, in France the speed cameras have caused quite an uproar. To date over 30,000 citizens have been fined. Instead of making a citizen's arrest on the camera technology or debating in through political vehicles, the French just destroy, revolt and demand change. Are the speed cameras the new Bastille of the Beltway? I know the French are trying to make a statement invoking historical traditions by destroying first, and asking questions later. While breaking the lenses, pouring in gasoline and lighting them on fire may gain attention, I don't think they will prevent the cameras from going up all over France. After all, these cameras make the government quite a bit of money. I can't help but wonder why they don't simply get up and tape a towel over the lens or place paper over the sensors?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

MarioKart on Wisconsin Avenue?

I hate people who litter. I am rather proud of how clean our city is when compared to cities like NYC or even Philadelphia. This evening, while walking home on Wisconsin Avenue, I saw something that caught my eye. I was standing next to a car waiting to cross at an intersection when a driver so casually threw a banana peel out the window into the right hand lane of traffic. At first, I laughed out loud, because it made me think of Mario Kart 64 when characters would lay down banana peels to make you wipe out as you rounded the race track. Of course in non-N64 world we know this doesn't happen. It was funny nonetheless. I guess she would have been the princess character. I was always Captain Toady O'Hare when I played the game. But, I digress. Thankfully, banana peels are biodegradable and I didn't have to step into oncoming traffic to pick up your trash Mrs. Virginia Driver - Blue Camry - plate ending in 1522. You know who you are. How about next time you hold your trash until you cross the Key Bridge and then you can pollute Rosslyn all you want. Goodnight.